Functionalizing defects in advanced semiconductors

The project FUNDAMeNT, led by the LENS research group at UiO under Prof. Bengt Svensson, focused on utilizing defects in semiconductors for advanced functionalities. Key goals included developing single-photon sources to explore quantum phenomena, improving energy efficiency in wide band gap semiconductors for lighting and electronics, and innovating nanotechnology through defect-functionalized nanostructures. The project, emphasizing energy-related applications, collaborated internationally and encompassed activities from material growth to device prototyping. Svensson, a renowned physicist, led a diverse team with extensive experience and publications. The group, recognized for its international leadership, heavily utilized national research infrastructures and maintained strong international ties. Team members brought expertise in various aspects of semiconductor physics, contributing significantly to the field. The application team included Prof. Andrej KuznetsovProf.  Eduard MonakhovProf. Clas PerssonAssoc. Prof. Lasse VinesAssoc. Prof. Øystein PrytzDr. Augustinas Galeckas and two young researchers -  Dr. Klaus Magnus Johansen and Dr. Oleksandr I. Malyi.

Our main publications within the project:

1. O. I. Malyi, K. V. Sopiha, C. Persson “Noble gas as a functional dopant in ZnO” npj Computational Materials, 2019, 5, 38

2. O. I. Malyi, M. T. Yeung, K. R. Poeppelmeier, C. Persson, A. Zunger “Spontaneous non-stoichiometry and ordering in degenerate but gapped transparent conductors” Matter, 2019, 1, 280-294, Highlighted by Matter, 2019, 1, 33

3. Y. Zhang, Y. Tang*, J. Deng, W. R. Leow, H. Xia, Z. Zhu, Z. Lv, J. Wei, W. Li, C. Persson, O. I. Malyi*, M. Antonietti, X. Chen* “Correlating the Peukert’s constant with phase composition of electrode materials in fast lithiation processes” ACS Materials Letters, 2019, 1, 519 (*corresponding authors), Highlighted as Journal Cover

4. Y. Tang, Y. Zhang, O. I. Malyi, N. Bucher, H. Xia, S. Xi, Z. Zhu, Z. Lv, W. Li, J. Wei, M. Srinivasan, A. Borgna, M. Antonietti, Y. Du, and X. Chen “Identifying the origin and contribution of surface storage in TiO2(B) nanotube electrode by in situ dynamic valence state monitoring” Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1802200 (leading theory author)

5. Y. Zhang, O. I. Malyi, Y. Tang, J. Wei, Z. Zhu, H. Xia, W. Li, J. Guo, X. Zhou, Z. Chen, C. Persson, X. Chen Reducing the charge carrier transport barrier in functionally layer-graded electrode” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 14847 (leading theory author) (hot paper as chosen by the editors)

Project budget: 24,998,000 NOK from RNC + 1,448,000 own finances (~2,500,000 USD combined)

Project number: 251131, FriPro ToppForsk-program

Project duration: 2016-2021

Principle investigator: Prof. Bengt Svensson

Our role: part of the application team as a young member

Casimir effect and van der Waals forces in multilayer systems

Quantum electrodynamic fluctuation forces, which generalized the idealized force predicted by Casimir in 1948, had moved to an ever more central position in our understanding of mesoscopic forces between surfaces and between molecules and surfaces. Casimir-Lifshitz and Casimir-Polder forces had generalized and transformed the notion of van der Waals forces. Advances in experimental technique and the development of new theoretical tools had enabled this transformation. There remained highly controversial issues to be resolved, such as the nature of thermal corrections, the form of Casimir friction, and whether it was realistic to achieve Casimir repulsion and levitation. The driver, however, was the potential applications of these phenomena to physical systems. There, we wanted to link developments in theory to what was needed in practical situations, such as the interaction of molecular gases with oil shale. The project was carried out and completed at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) together with researchers from the Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology at the University of Oslo (UiO). Joint subprojects with the co-applicants and collaborators from different countries including:  Prof. Iver Håkon Brevik, Dr. Mathias BoströmProf. Clas Persson, Dr. Kristian BerlandDr. Oleksandr I. Malyi.

Our main publications within the project:

1. M. Boström, R. Corkery, E. R. A. Lima, O. I. Malyi, S. Y. Buhmann, C. Persson, D. F. Parsons, I. Brevik, J. Fiedler “Dispersion forces stabilize ice coatings at certain gas hydrate interfaces which prevent water wetting” ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2019, 3, 1014-1022

2. P. Thiyam*, P. Parashar*, K. V. Shajesh*, O. I. Malyi*, M. Boström*, K. A. Milton*, I. Brevik*, C. Persson* “Distance-dependent sign-reversal in the Casimir-Lifshitz torque Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120, 131601 (*corresponding authors)

3. M. Boström*, M. Dou*, O. I. Malyi*, P. Parashar*, D. F. Parsons*, I. Brevik*, C. Persson* “Fluid-sensitive nanoscale switching with quantum levitation controlled by the α-Sn/β-Sn phase transition” Physical Review B, 2018, 97, 125421 (*corresponding authors)

4. M. Boström, O. I. Malyi, P. Parashar, K. V. Shajesh, P. Thiyam, K. A. Milton, C. Persson, D. F. Parsons, I. Brevik “Lifshitz free energy can promote ice growth at water-silica interfaces” Physical Review B, 2017, 95, 155422

Project budget: 8,708,000 NOK from RNC + 1,181,000 own finances (about 910,000 USD combined)

Project number: 250346, FriPro program

Project duration: 2016-2019

Principle investigator: Prof. Iver Håkon Brevik

Our role: co-applicant